Readme Synchronisation module CyberOffice

Available module on Prestashop addons and on Dolistore

Awarded by Prestashop Addons Team as Contributor of the Year 2016.

Expertise level statut SuperHero & Developed by a Top Developer, + 4000 downloads and modules installed, rate reviews 5/5. (Sources PrestaShop Addons) Best sellers in its category. Best sellers in its category on Prestashop Addons Third-party Data Integration (CRM, ERP).

Synchronization Module CyberOffice from Prestashop to Dolibarr ERP/CRM

CyberOffice description module

The module CyberOffice for Prestashop and Dolibarr ERP/CRM synchronizes automatically with webservices (automatics flows) data from your Prestashop store to Dolibarr ERP/CRM. It synchronizes in real time via webservices all the events carried out on Prestashop to Dolibarr . (Categories, products, combinations, prices, stocks, images, characteristics, customers, orders, invoices, payments, bank accounts ...)

CyberOffice can be installed at any time in the life of your Prestashop store. It is recommended to put it in place when you have obtained your first sales and you control the processes of use of your shop. If you are testing, consider when going into production to sync categories and products again.


The second module MyCyberOffice automatic synchronization from Dolibarr to Prestashop is available on extensions marketplace Prestashop Addons and DoliStore

*Requires a license by Prestashop. CyberOffice 8 and MyCyberOffice 8 versions must work only between them in php8.

Easy to install Dolibarr and Prestashop Module

1.Video module install

2.Video module using

3.Video Multi-stores and categories (Categories are essential for product synchronization)

Prestashop Module

1-Add a new module, load

2-Configure CyberOffice

Your shop must not be in MAINTENANCE MODE

3-Follow instructions CyberOffice infos

Point 6 Initialization: Depending on the number of categories or products, the synchronization period will be shorter or longer, you must wait for the response from the server that will be of type: Response batch 1: sent (in case of timeout, perform synchronization by part). Images : When initializing products, only cover images are synchronized in Dolibarr to avoid overloading the server (timeout). To get all of them in Dolibarr product sheet: 1- Open the product in Prestashop 2- Save it 3- All images will be synchronized in Dolibarr.

Point 7 Synchronize customers according to their creation date in Prestashop. Very often the registration is done well before the order.

Synchronization of orders, if an order does not have its client synchronized it will not be synchronized in Dolibarr. In this case, check the creation date of the customer in Prestashop and make a customer synchronization on this date.

Prestashop server information

*The value can be higher but not lower

How synchronization status works

Choose which statuses will trigger the synchronization of orders, invoices and payments* to Dolibarr. If you do not know how to leave the default values that will work in all cases.

*(Payment synchronisation status configurable only in version 8 for the other versions the payment is synchronised at the same time as the invoice.)

What's new in the new version 8.1.0

  1. Supports exclusively Prestashop 8, php8, and Dolibarr 17 to Dolibarr 19

  2. Synchronises the payment status: Synchronisation of invoice payment. Must be done on a state present on the other synchronisation statuses "orders" and "invoices". Example: Payment accepted

  3. Allows you to manually synchronise an order to Dolibarr from the integrated button in Prestashop: Synchronisation with Dolibarr

News in the version 1.6.2

-New configuration dashboard present on the module in Dolibarr

  1. Customers : Synchronization of client's language (pdf translation) / Force the name to uppercase

  2. Products : Synchronisation du stock / Do not sync descriptions / UseVariant (Enable on demand )

  3. Orders : 1 discount line per Prestashop discount / Synchronization of Prestashop ref with the order reference / Synchronization of Prestashop ref with the customer reference

  4. Invoices : Provision of the download link on Prestashop (The Dolibarr invoice is present in the customer's backoffice)

News from version 1.5.x

-For countries with double tax

In some countries as Canada, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Tunisia, the USA, etc…. Products are subject to double tax. The module now manages these double taxes in combined mode and one after the other mode.

-Incremental synchronization of failed orders

After a stop during orders synchronization, click on the "incremental synchronization" button to restart the synchronization immediately after the stop. Avoid relaunching all the orders.

Dolibarr ERP/CRM Module

1-Download and install the file with the Dolibarr installer.

2-Enable Webservice module, key protection to copy into Prestashop

If you only have CyberOffice 8, the eshop_webkey field of the store must be empty. If you have MyCyberOffice 8 the field will automatically retrieve the value of the Prestashop web key indicated in MyCyberOffice on Dolibarr (Auth Key).

3-Enable CyberOffice and categories module (Multi-module tools)

Activate barcodes only if they are all present in Prestashop products

-Activate the services module

4-Automatic creation of discounts and shipping and packaging wrapping costs*

The labels can be changed according to your needs.(*see further news)

5-Check if a warehouse is open

and the VAT filled with identical Prestashop

6-Stocks synchronization and

set method of decrementing stocks

7-Link modes of payments with bank accounts after the PrestaShop database related.

Banks choice appear once the connection made with the Prestashop database

What's new in Version 1.6.2

Many new features configurable from the new dashboard

Customers :

Synchronization of the language chosen by the customer (PDF translation): YES / NO

Force the customer's name in uppercase: YES / NO

Products :

Stock synchronization: YES / NO

Do not synchronize descriptions: YES / NO

Synchronization variant <-> combination: YES / NO

Orders :

1 discount line by Prestashop discount : YES / NO

Synchronization of the Prestashop reference with the order reference: YES / NO

Synchronization of the Prestashop reference with the Ref.customer: YES / NO

Invoices :

Provision of the download link on Prestashop: YES / NO

In Prestashop, invoices must be activated on the Order States used.

The 2 platforms must have the same level of http or https in order to ensure a good connection between them.

What's new from version 1.5.5

-Addition of the carrier after the PrestaShipping service in the order and invoice

-Decrease in stocks by carrier

It is possible to associate a carrier with a stock in order to decrement the stock of his choice according to the carrier

Go to Setup / Dictionaries and open cyberoffice_carrier_warehouse

Associate the IDs of Dolibarr warehouses with the IDs of Prestashop carriers

The corresponding id of the existing carriers in Prestashop

Decreases on each of the stocks

-Multi-currency orders and invoices on Prestashop are synchronized in currency on Dolibarr

Order in $ on Prestashop synchronized in $ in Dolibarr

Order in $ on Dolibarr

-Specific Prestashop prices synchronized on Dolibarr (requires the Price List module of Dolibarr)

Install and activate the Price List module in Dolibarr (Available on Dolistore)

-New wrapping service

The wrapping prices are now on a separate line in the Dolibarr order with the creation of a new service "PrestaWrapping"

In Prestashop : Shop Parameters / order settings

Prestashop order with wrapping + VAT

Synchronized order with wrapping in Dolibarr with the PrestaWrapping line

Features and tricks

Advanced Features

Compatibility label with CyberOffice

We have created a quality label, which guarantees a perfect compatibility of the modules with CyberOffice.

Copyright all rights reserved - CyberOffice - 2016-2024

Last updated