💡How to configure WooCommerce product attributes to sync with Dolibarr attributes

How to configure Woocommerce product attributes to synchronize them with Dolibarr additional product attributes (extrafields).

WooCommerce Product attributes to synchronize

1-We want to synchronize the Color (id 2) and Energy (id 3) attributes in the Dolibarr product sheets

2-Determine WooCommerce Attribute ID and detail

3- Extrafields additional in complementary attributes tab must be created in Dolibarr. (Select list for color and energy)

For select lists, you must enter the values ​​according to this format:

1, name1 2, name2 3, name3 Etc...

Warning to the notion of required. If you pass them to YES, they must all be filled in, otherwise the synchronization of the attributes will not work.

4- Go to the cyberoffice_extrafield dictionaries and see the list of extra attributes (Extrafields) of product

ID 2 (color) and 3 (energy) must correspond to Dolibarr extraflieds (color and energy)

6- Synchronization of WooCommerce Attributes to Dolibarr complementary attributes (Extrafields) is now functional

The changes made in the Woocommerce product sheet will be synchronized on Dolibarr.

Last updated