How to configure complementary attributes

How to configure complementary attributes (extrafields) of Dolibarr products to synchronize them with Prestashop Product Features

How to configure complementary attributes (extrafields) of Dolibarr products to synchronize them with Prestashop Product Features

Complementary attributes (Extrafields) already exist on Dolibarr?

1- Complementary attributes existing

2- Initialize the CyberOffice and MyCyberOffice modules

In the Modules section, locate MyCyberOffice and switch to OFF and then ON the button.

The configuration of the module is preserved

3- The CyberOffice dictionary was created with the list of complementary attributes (extrafields) of the products.

ID 1 (height) and 6 (styles) correspond to extraflieds of Dolibarr (extrafields 1 and 2)

Add in the Prestashop characteristics ID column the corresponding IDs.

Check the values ​​of the characteristics

Extrafield1 (Chain type = Value)

Extrafield2 (Type select = Selection list). For this type of 'select' field, you must enter the values ​​with the following format.

1, name1 2, name2 3, name3 Etc...

Attention to the notion of required field. If you pass them to YES, they must all be filled in, otherwise the characteristics will not be synchronized.

Synchronization of complementary attributes to features is now functional

Complementary attributes (Extrafields) do not exist on Dolibarr?

Create them manually from point 1

Last updated